Who's That Girl?

Using art, creativity, and writing to not just survive but thrive. Faith without fear.

Monday, April 12, 2010

It is a beautiful day in our area. The daytime high is predicted to be seventy nine and sunshine. It is perfect grilling weather. My favorite is grilled vegetable kabobs. I first soak bamboo skewers so they will not burn on the grill. I then use a bottle of my favorite Italian dressing, usually Newman's Own as a marinade. I cut yellow squash, eggplant, mushrooms,onions,and peppers into quarters and marinate for thirty minutes. I then thread onto the skewers and grill until tender. I serve with Uncle Ben's ninety second microwave in the bag seasoned rice. With a pitcher of sweet tea and served outside with candles it proves for a perfect spring night. It is these simple pleasures and the company of the ones we love that make life worth living. What are your simple pleasures? Try to enjoy some of them today.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yes, I am still here. I started this blog with a desire to help others and to share my faith. It has been so long since I posted because I live in so much fear of expressing myself, and possibly being rejected. I spent so many years in a destructive world that the only way I could survive was to go inward and let other stronger parts of myself deal with it. I survived. I live daily with horrendous flashbacks, and the time has come that if I continue to remain silent it may completely destroy me. Will I name the guilty. Let them live in fear. I certainly did for most of my life. The only way to rid myself of these demons is to write about it. My faith in God help me to survive, now maybe a growing faith in myself will help me to live. If you refute my truth, get your own Blog and tell your story. This one is mine one day at a time.

Monday, August 10, 2009

You Can Do It!

Would you like to know peace when others are tempest tossed, angered, and confused? Would you like to give up your fear, anxiety, and obsessions forever? No, I am not offering a new drug or self help book. What I am suggesting you turn toward has been around a long time and it has been tested and tried. By now you may have guessed I am talking about Jesus.

His word, the Bible, is completely relevant for today with every answer for any question you have. You may remind him of his promises in his word when you are in your times of travail for he is always faithful to his promises. But he also expects you to be faithful to him. As any bridegroom he expects his church to be faithful to him.

Many preachers today preach seed sowing and yes it is beneficial and I have seen it work in my own life, but I also know that I don't sow seeds until I have paid my tithes. Paying tithes is a faithful commitment that cements your faith. Yes father I will pay into your storehouse out of my best and I know that you will always supply all my need. You are my loving father and I am obedient out of my love. It was as I established my relationship with Jesus Christ that I began to learn what it is really like to have a loving and giving father.

Have you ever wanted super powers. Jesus said to his disciples "these things shall you do and greater than these things also in my name." Jesus was referring to the miracles he had performed; restoring sight to the blind, making the lame walk, casting out demons, turning water to wine, walking on water, calming stormy seas, increasing a small amount of food to feed multitudes,raising the dead. Do these miracles still occur today? Yes, and some greater. Just talk to his modern day disciples who are winning souls in his name. Personally, I think that is the greatest miracle. His sacrifice on the cross that if we accept him as our Lord and Saviour then we have the promise of eternity with him in paradise.

My daily walk with Jesus I still have struggles and pain, but I know tha through prayer, his word, and fellowship with other believers, as well as listening to ministers of the gospel. By witnessing and helping to win others to Christ I daily strengthen my walk with God. I believe we are in the last days and time is short. My policy is no soul left behind.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Joy in the face of pain

I want to use this blog for many things: to express my belief in my Jesus Christ, to show how I use creativity to daily live with arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migrane headaches. I will include well loved recipes, artwork, and poetry. This is a place for my creative outlet. I wish to minister to others with love and show how you can use art and creativity to heal. Tonight is a full moon. I am going to step outside now that it has finally stopped raining to moonbathe and soak up some rays.